October 2020
Dear Devotees and Friends of Glendale Temple:
We hope you all had the chance to enjoy the beautiful livestreamed ceremony held on September 19th in Boston Harbor—commemorating the 100th anniversary of Paramahansa Yogananda landing in America to spread the Kriya Yoga teachings worldwide. We were also happy to present “A Promise of Light,” an inspiring talk given by Sri Daya Mata, former president of SRF/YSS, at the 1993 SRF World Convocation. Through events such as these, and the continued participation of thousands of devotees worldwide in the virtual meditations and services offered by SRF/YSS, our prayer is that each of you will continue to experience a wonderful upliftment of heart and soul when we come together for divine fellowship. Paramahansaji said, “United minds are bigger channels through which God's power flows in a mightier way to individual souls.”
We are happy to report that we are making good progress on our temple building projects. The Temple roof project has been completed, and before the start of the rainy season as we had planned! In addition, all of our new sensor-operated sink faucets are installed, and installation of the remaining fixtures such as hands-free paper towel dispensers and soap dispenser units is progressing. Thus, when we reopen our Temple for in-person services, this equipment will provide a safer sanitized environment. Our deep thanks to those of you who helped to provide funding for these vital projects and to the volunteers who helped coordinate this work.
Brother Bhumananda
Minister in Charge, Glendale Temple
During this time when the temple is closed there continue to be ongoing operating expenses such as landscaping and irrigation, cleaning, utilities, and basic maintenance. For example, our monthly utility costs (water and electric) have been running about $2,200. (Although electric usage is only a fraction of what it normally is, our monthly charges are based upon the previous 12 months usage). If you would like to help with these and other expenses, please visit the Glendale Temple donations page and choose from the options provided. Please know your assistance is always welcome and greatly appreciated.
We are including below an announcement about an SRF employment opportunity in case you or someone you know may be interested.
Some of you may be wondering if there is a specific timeline for reopening our temple. Continuing to prayerfully seek guidance from God and Gurus, SRF is carefully monitoring the situation. At present we do not have a definite timeframe of when we might resume in-person services at our temples but we will certainly let you know when the situation changes. For now, we continue to work diligently to provide you a full and diverse schedule of online meditations and services. I hope you have been helped by these and feel, as I do, the powerful spirit of divine fellowship that is uniting us all during these challenging times.
God bless you for all that you do to help this work through your prayers, your meditations and deep sincerity in following these teachings, and your material assistance. May you and your loved ones ever be filled with faith, courage, and love divine.
In divine friendship,
Brother Bhumananda
SRF Glendale Temple
Intermediate phase of roof project: the new plywood is covered by roofing material (lower left of photo).
The finished product: a new roof built to last and protect for many years.
Newly installed hands-free faucets, soap dispensers, paper towel dispensers, and signs.
Hands-free hand-sanitizer units – will be placed throughout the Temple facilities.
SRF Employment Opportunity!
Self-Realization Fellowship is seeking an organized and detail-oriented Operations Assistant to join the team of our new Department of Philanthropic Planning. The ideal candidate is passionate about the mission of the SRF, loves fundraising, has an entrepreneurial spirit, and is ready to help us build a successful department. For more information about the position and how to apply, please go to the SRF Employment Opportunities web-page: Operations Assistant Job Description.